Music meets Science

Science extrapolates meaning from the world through observation and experiment. Information deduced from these experiments inform our understanding of the world, but sometimes fail to engage with the aesthetic, with which we experience the world, particularly compared to the affective power of art and music.

Science states meanings; art expresses them.
— John Dewey, educational philosopher

Dewey famously compared the molecular description of water — two hydrogen atoms combined with one oxygen — with our experience of water as a deep ocean, or a warm shower, or a cleansing drink.

This is not to privilege one domain over another, but rather to highlight the efficacy of science and art in concert. This is at the base of this research.

Professor Mary Finsterer from the Conservatorium of Music, University of Tasmania, has been developing her opera Antarctica collaborating with scientists from the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania

Research overview

This opera provides a platform of investigation for how scientific findings can be communicated through artistic expression; and music’s uniquely affective power to reveal science to itself in unexpected forms.

It brings together experts from music, visual arts, digital media, humanities, cultural studies and a multiplicity of fields within science to explore the intersections between disciplines. The process seeks to map out innovative ways of reimagining these fields in relation to the continent of Antarctica.

Academic collaborators




Dr Jo WhittakerCross-disciplinary Theme Leader (Ocean-Earth System) and Senior LecturerCentre for Oceans and Cryosphere, IMASMore...

Dr Jo Whittaker

Cross-disciplinary Theme Leader (Ocean-Earth System) and Senior Lecturer

Centre for Oceans and Cryosphere, IMAS


Dr Amelie MeyerResearch Associate for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate ExtremesCentre for Oceans and Cryosphere, IMASMore...

Dr Amelie Meyer

Research Associate for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes

Centre for Oceans and Cryosphere, IMAS


Dr Felicity McCormackResearcher and Ice Sheet Modeller with Antarctic Gateway PartnershipCentre for Oceans and Cryosphere, IMASMore...

Dr Felicity McCormack

Researcher and Ice Sheet Modeller with Antarctic Gateway Partnership

Centre for Oceans and Cryosphere, IMAS


Dr Stuart CorneyResearcher, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC)Centre for Oceans and Cryosphere, IMASMore...

Dr Stuart Corney

Researcher, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC)

Centre for Oceans and Cryosphere, IMAS


Professor Mark HindellProgram leader for the Marine and Antarctic Ecosystems ProgrammeCentre for Ecology And Biodiversity, IMASMore...

Professor Mark Hindell

Program leader for the Marine and Antarctic Ecosystems Programme

Centre for Ecology And Biodiversity, IMAS


Professor Craig JohnsonHead – Centre for Ecology and BiodiversityAssociate Director, IMASMore...

Professor Craig Johnson

Head – Centre for Ecology and Biodiversity

Associate Director, IMAS


Professor Mike CoffinMarine geophysicist at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic StudiesMore...

Professor Mike Coffin

Marine geophysicist at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies


Associate Professor Elizabeth LeaneEnglish, Humanities and ARC Future FellowSchool of Humanities, CALE & IMASMore...

Associate Professor Elizabeth Leane

English, Humanities and ARC Future Fellow

School of Humanities, CALE & IMAS


Dr Guy WilliamsARC Future Fellow - Ocean Sea Ice InteractionsMarine & Antarctic Futures Centre (MAFC)More...

Dr Guy Williams

ARC Future Fellow - Ocean Sea Ice Interactions

Marine & Antarctic Futures Centre (MAFC)


Dr Vanessa LucieerDeputy Head- Ecology and BiodiversitySenior Research Scientist & Lecturer, IMASMore...

Dr Vanessa Lucieer

Deputy Head- Ecology and Biodiversity

Senior Research Scientist & Lecturer, IMAS


Dr Kerrie SwadlingResearch Fellow and Plankton-BiologistCentre for Ecology and Biodiversity, IMASMore...

Dr Kerrie Swadling

Research Fellow and Plankton-Biologist

Centre for Ecology and Biodiversity, IMAS


Dr Carolyn PhilpottSenior Lecturer Research Coordinator Honours & Musicology School of Creative ArtsAdjunct Researcher, IMASMore...

Dr Carolyn Philpott

Senior Lecturer
Research Coordinator Honours & Musicology School of Creative Arts

Adjunct Researcher, IMAS


Associate Professor Zanna ChaseARC Future Fellow at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic StudiesMore…

Associate Professor Zanna Chase

ARC Future Fellow at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies


Associate Professor Mary-Anne LeaMarine Predator EcologyCentre for Ecology and Biodiversity, IMASMore...

Associate Professor Mary-Anne Lea

Marine Predator Ecology

Centre for Ecology and Biodiversity, IMAS


Dr Victoria CarruthersSenior Lecturer, Art History and Theory, Australian Catholic UniversityMore…

Dr Victoria Carruthers

Senior Lecturer, Art History and Theory, Australian Catholic University


Dr Joel CrottyAffiliate, Sir Zelman Cowen School of MusicMonash UniversityMore…

Dr Joel Crotty

Affiliate, Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music

Monash University



Creative Industry collaborators

Dean GoljaVideo / Image ArtistDean obtained a Masters of Electronic Arts (Multimedia) from the Australian National University which has consolidated Dean’s expertise in digital media for both creative and practical purposes. This has led to photogra…

Dean Golja

Video / Image Artist

Dean obtained a Masters of Electronic Arts (Multimedia) from the Australian National University which has consolidated Dean’s expertise in digital media for both creative and practical purposes. This has led to photographic & video projects for organisations like the National Museum of Australia, Monash University and Australian Centre for Photography.

Troy BeerDigital StrategistTroy has worked across a variety of roles and industries in digital communications, video & web production, since graduating from ANU with a degree in Electronic Arts (Multimedia).  He currently works in Strategic Comm…

Troy Beer

Digital Strategist

Troy has worked across a variety of roles and industries in digital communications, video & web production, since graduating from ANU with a degree in Electronic Arts (Multimedia).
He currently works in Strategic Communications for the Wildness Society, managing photography, video, social and digital content.


For more information please contact Professor Mary Finsterer